Everything is the answer in short!

However there is no doubt in my mind that the last twelve months has changed everyone’s outlook in life.

Over 125,000 soles have lost their lives, millions have not seen or hugged parents or even their children.

Friends missing the support of each other, missing the simple things in life. Some shielding for nearly a whole year. Jobs lost, income concerns and for many real financial worries.

Businesses closed, no theatres, no cinemas, no pubs, high streets emptied, redundancy at a level not witnessed for many years.

However, we have also seen communities come together, individuals who have done extraordinary things for others. Neighbourhoods getting to know each other, standing on door steps banging pots and pans in recognition for the amazing work of the NHS staff - individuals I am simply in awe of, those who retired returning to the front line to protect our NHS. Millions of volunteers doing the shopping, delivering or simply phoning strangers to see how they are.

Businesses and individuals reinventing themselves, innovation and technology usage especially in the over 50s like never before.

More people walking, more time at home with your immediate family. Netflix, board games used for the first time in years. Making an effort to link to those not seen for a long time, parties online, creative events via zoom.

“You’re on Mute” - saying of the year!

Them there are those who just seem to say the right thing and know the mood of the nation.

Captain Sir Tom Moore - “‘Let’s try not to get downhearted, we will get through this, whatever is thrown at us and together we can ensure that tomorrow will be a good day.”

Our wonderful Queen - “We will meet again” & “Of course, for many, this time of year will be tinged with sadness: some mourning the loss of those dear to them, and others missing friends and family members distanced for safety, when all they’d really want for Christmas is a simple hug or a squeeze of the hand.

Added to those who have empowered us through words I recognise those leaders who have made unpopular decisions, there will be a time to reflect and review.

Then we have three special guys, who I think have been honest and in their own ways vey warm and showed great humour in a difficult subject:- Jonathan Vantam, Chris Whitty & Patrick Valance, all legends in my book.

Closer to home, I remember that we were panicking our house move would not happen, we completed by 45 minutes before the government closed the housing market down. I remember meeting the estate agent in a car park handing keys over to me covertly. You couldn’t write it!

Work was bizarre, everyone furloughed but for a few. It created an amazing spirit in everyone. Zoom socials for the team, the first lockdown felt like a war bunker approach.

We all managed a few months of some activity during the summer but then another lockdown and then another.

This time it seemed tougher, it was winter and everyone seemed to struggle in different ways. This time new strains of Covid19 that seemed to worry the authorities, then out of the blue it got me!

My test result came back positive, within 3 days it was very real, struggling to breathe, exhaustion, hot & cold sweating. Day 4 shallow breathing and the body aching - Covid19 had really hit me and my colleagues.

During the year creating a new project called 41ClubConnects was a highlight, keeping guys over 40 connected online, supporting their resilience and giving them a little sunshine. Thanks to a great friend Mark House, we created something very special that will I am sure continue to grow. Watching the guys smile, laugh and see friends they have not seen in many years is priceless.

Then that idea, motivation and want to get a group of guys together and trek to Base Camp Everest.

Named “DoingExtraordinaryThings” I managed to get ten unassuming guys to agree to walk up 5376 meters in altitude over 106miles to Everest Base Camp. I wanted to create a light at the end of the tunnel and a focus.

Behind the scenes, like many I have put weight on hence the BCE challenge! like many I have not seen my mother for 15 months because she lives in Wales, the most resilient woman I will ever know at 73 years old.

Most of all I am thankful for the support from my friends and most importantly my rock & partner Jane Smith, who I drive mad daily, along with the pugs and cat!

In reflection of how much has changed, the real answer is that we don’t really know the true impact yet, but one thing is super clear we need to have more kindness in society, less nonsense in the press and more of a respect for our nation, NHS and each other.

Maybe the biggest lesson is that technology cannot and does replace everything.

Remembering those who have lost their lives must be the biggest lesson of all.

Marcus Jones
